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CFA Approved

HP 12C Financial Calculator
The brand new, fully packaged hp12c has been the industry standard financial calculator for more than 25 years and to date more than 15 million units have been sold. With over 120 useful everyday financial features including HP's unique RPN logic it is the product of choice for investors, mortgage professionals, accountants, bankers and business students.
£41.25 excl vat
Texas Instruments BA II PLUS Financial calculator
Approved for CFA Exams NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL 0161 439 5446 9 am -to 5 pm The ideal calculator for finance, accounting and business students. Comes with an impact resistant protective case. Battery powered. Features • Solves time-value-of-money calculations such as annuities, mortgages, leases, savings and more. • Generates amortisation schedules. • Performs cashflow analysis for up to 24 uneven cash flows with up to 4-digit frequencies. • Computes NPV and IRR. • One or two variable statistics with 4 regressions options: linear, logarithm, exponential and power
£33.90 excl vat
Texas Instruments BA ll Professional Financial calculator
TI BA ll Professional financial calculator is approved by CFA, and is 10 digit.
£43.50 excl vat


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